Environmental stewardship is essential to the health of the natural places that everyone enjoys, including Colorado’s fourteen thousand foot peaks. Stewardship is also a responsibility take care of, protect, and preserve these places in order to ensure their natural beauty and ecological integrity. CFI’s Peak Steward program does just this by training volunteers to educate others and asking for their commitment to these special peaks that we love. PLEASE HELP US AND THE MOUNTAINS…..BECOME A PEAK STEWARD!!
The Colorado Fourteeners Initiative’s Peak Stewards are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who are trained to monitor high-use Fourteeners. Peak Stewards document human and wildlife encounters, user behaviors, compliance with Forest Service regulations, and trail and resource conditions. Peak Stewards also initiate contact with other climbers when appropriate, and provide educational information about Fourteener-specific Leave No Trace principles for Colorado’s alpine environment. Once trained, Peak Stewards will commit to volunteering a minimum of four days throughout the summer.
2010 Peak Stewards:…(coming soon)